
Our stock of coaches, we have split these into three groups by age; The Big Four and earlier - Most railways in Britain were started as private enterprises with a company often running only one route or line between two towns, each company having it's own livery or colour scheme.  In 1923 these companies were re-organised by the government into four big regions, each with it's our livery.  After the second world war, the government decided further rationalisation was required and full public ownership under British Railways started in January 1948.  Initially coaches from the amalgamated regions were used in their original colour schemes, slowly being transformed into standard BR colours and eventually a single corporate livery.  Finally, our third grouping, from 1993 the government rolled back the years and split British Rail into more than 100 operating companies resulting in a plethora of liveries appearing again, some familiar ones from this era you might know being Network Southeast, Virgin Trains and East Midlands trains